Periodically, I receive a book from a publisher that gets my attention. That recently occurred with Manskills: How to Avoid Embarrassing Yourself and Impress Everyone Else by Chris Peterson. It is a quick and easy read at 224 pages (includes 100 illustrations).
The book is full of useful and unusual tips for any male to evolve to the ultimate in “manhood.” These tips include how to remove a stripped screw, sew on a button, survive a skid in a car, move an injured person, and make the perfect omelette. As one can tell from the examples used above, the book covers a great deal of topics. The book is divided into seven chapters: Shelter Savvy; Wild Ways; Social Graces; Vehicular Savvy; Emergency!; Epicurean Expertise; and Romantic Prowess.
I think a majority of the information is very helpful for most people. There is some information that very few people will find helpful – mainly because most people will not be put into the situations addressed. For example, Peterson writes how to snare small game. It is nice to know how to do it, but highly unlikely that I will ever need to use it.
This book is well-worth the read because of the useful information you will learn.
Full Disclosure: I received a complementary copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes. This does not influence my review.